Media Coverage of the Exhibition:
1) CM-LIFE article (1/28/2021)
2) 9/10 News piece (1/22/2021)
Mayor Shinzo Hamai's Peace Declaration and "A Revolution of Thought"
Exactly two years after the bombing of Hiroshima, Mayor Shinzo Hamai delivered the first Mayorial “Peace Declaration” of Hiroshima. In that historic document, he urges us to use the bombing as a call to action for peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Following Mayor Hamai's vision, Hiroshima was rebuilt, by law, to be a “peace city”. As part of this mandate, the city provides education aimed at building a culture of peace. This exhibition is one of the ways that Hiroshima reaches out into the world in its effort to build a culture of peace.
You can read more about the mandate to turn Hiroshima into a City of Peace here.
Some relevant history & more about the exhibition in 2014:
In 2014, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, in connection with The Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, gifted a 30 poster exhibition to the Center for International Ethics at Central Michigan University. Sent directly from Hiroshima, the posters were mounted as part of an educational program titled "A Revolution of Thought." In addition to the exhibition, CMU students also heard eye-witness testimony of the bombing from Sachiko Mashuoka, a survivor of the bombing (Hibakusha). Pictures of the exhibition as it appeared in 2014 in Anspach Hall are below.
Photos of the "A Revolution of Thought" as it appeared in Anspach Hall, Central Michigan University, in April 2014.