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Relevant episodes of "Virtues of Peace," a podcast produced by the The Cora di Brazzà Foundation which focuses on the untold stories of the Peace through Law Movement, are included on this page. On this page, we include our podcasts relevant to international law and nuclear weapons. Subscribe to "Virtues of Peace" by clicking on the link to your favorite podcast provider at left.

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Episode 28: A New Day Begins: A Discussion About the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on the Eve of its Entry into Force (January 21, 2021)

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A New Day Begins: A Discussion on the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on the eve of its entry into force

January 22, 2021 marks the day when the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) enters into force. To help usher in this historic moment, we are joined by Anti-nuclear activist Vanda Prošková of the Czech Republic, co-convener of Youth Fusion, a global network that engages and educates young people regarding the nuclear threat. In this show, we discuss not only the spirit and purpose of the Treaty found in its preamble, but also some of the duties that signatories of the TPNW must undertake such as absolute prohibition of these weapons and assistance to both victims and the environment that have been harmed through nuclear testing.

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Episode 27: Youth Engagement and the Nuclear Issue: A Conversation with Vanda Prošková (January 14, 2021)

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Youth Engagement and the Nuclear Issue: A Conversation with Vanda Prošková

January 22, 2021 marks the day when the historic Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enters into force. To help usher in this historic moment, we are joined by Anti-nuclear youth activist Vanda Prošková of the Czech Republic, and co-convener of Youth Fusion - a global anti-nuclear network that engages and educates youth about the nuclear threat. Learn how young people are organizing around the nuclear issue through networks such as Youth Fusion and Move the Nuclear Weapons Money.

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Episode 21: The Need of Popular Understanding of International Law: An(other) Introduction to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (November 5, 2020)

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The Need of Popular Understanding of International Law: An(other) Introduction to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

The very first article of the American Journal of International Law, page 1, volume 1 issue 1 is titled “The Need of Popular Understanding of International Law.” Written by Elihu Root and published in 1907, the article lays out the case for why basic understanding of International Law is necessary for world in which democracy is becoming the norm and in which international peace-through-law is the goal. Elihu Root won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1912. One hundred and five years later (in 2017), The International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the organization responsible for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), was awarded this same prize. In this show, we discuss highlights of Root’s essay, its relevance and legacy, and connect it to some of the basic provisions of the TPNW which takes effect in January 2021. Our aim in this show is to convey the importance of education of basic international law for the project of International Peace and the protection of Human Dignity, and how the TPNW is a crucial piece of this project.

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Episode 20: Think We Must: An Introduction to The Treaty on The Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (October 29, 2020)

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Think We Must: An Introduction to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Opened for signature in 2017, the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) recently reached an historic milestone when Honduras became the 50th country to ratify the Multilateral Treaty that prohibits its signatures from developing, using and threatening to use nuclear weapons. In effect, the Treaty “bans” its signatory states from possessing nuclear weapons. But what about those states which possess massive nuclear arsenals that have not signed on, including Russia and the U.S.? This show is an introduction to the Treaty which does not take effect until 2021. We focus on some International Law basics, the language of the preamble, and other legal instruments aimed at nuclear non-proliferation.

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Episode 12: A Revolution of Thought: Organizing the World for Peace in the Nuclear Age (August 6, 2020)

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A Revolution of Thought: Organizing the World for Peace in the Nuclear Age

The dropping of atomic bombs by the U.S. on Japan in 1945 caused Albert Einstein to exhort human beings to develop “a new manner of thinking” and with philosopher Bertrand Russell, Einstein and other scientists urged us to think in a new way” and “remember humanity, forget the rest.” In like manner, Shinzo Hamai, the first publicly elected mayor of Hiroshima following the bombing called for a “revolution of thought” in his Mayorial Peace Declaration of 1947. In today’s show, which commemorates the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we reflect on some of the “thinking” connected to the nuclear issue, and how we have tried to “organize the world” for peace - focusing on “legal approaches” to nuclear disarmament such as using the International Court of Justice which opined on the nuclear issue in 1996 and 2014.

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Episode 13: Re-Organize the World ! Peace Through Law in the Nuclear Age (August 13, 2020)

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Re-Organize the World !: Peace Through Law in the Nuclear Age

This show continues our discussion of 8/6/2020, which marked the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. We pick up the thread of conversation about “organizing the world” for peace in the nuclear age through international institutions such as the International Court of Justice and the recent case brought by the Marshall Islands which sought to enforce provisions of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. We discuss the philosophical ideas and practices behind other proposed paths to “organize the world” for peace in the nuclear age such as the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and a new U.S. initiative known as “CEND” (“Creating the Environment for Nuclear Disarmament) which charts a different course.

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